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Check to make sure:

a. The box has air holes for breathing, in case a child climbs inside;

b. The lid has a hinge that will hold it open in any position and it will stay open even if a child pushes down on it;and

c. There is no latch or other device that could lock the lid and trap a child inside.

Toys with Magnet

  •  Teach children of all ages that small magnets,and small containing magnets,should never be placed in their mouth.

  • Swallowed magnets can attract one another across intestines and cause serious injury or death. Small powerful magnets used in toys and other household items may pose a hazard if the item containing the magnet, or the magnet itself, is small enough to be swallowed.

  • Check for small magnets that mau have detached from magnetic toys and immediately remove them from the play area.

Ride - On Toys

  • Check that the ride-on toy will not tip when a child is using it. Check that it is stable when weight is placed on any riding point.

  • Use the ride-on toy in safe areas that are far away from stairs, traffic, swimming pools and other hazards.

  • Be aware that a child on a wheeled ride-on toy can move very quickly.

  • Look for hazards like furniture, lamps, cords, decorations or appliances that could be knocked over or pulled down, and remove the hazards before play begins.

Toys with Batteries

  • Only adults should install batteries. Improper installation or mixing different battery types can cause batteries to leak or overheat, which can result in Injury.

  • Only adults should charge batteries. Battery chargers and adapters can pose thermal burn hazards to children.

  • Check that young children cannot open a toy's battery compatment.

  • Do not allow a child to take a battery-operated toy to a bed. Burns and other injuries could result from batteries leaking or overheating.

  • Call a doctor or a poison control center immediately if a child swallows a battery. Batteries can be poisonous.


More on Making Play safe

  • Give away toys your child has outgrown rather than throw them away. If you are discarding a broken toy, don't throw it in the dustbin. Give it to the shop that buys old newspaper and bottles. It will be sent for recycling.

  • Read instructions carefully to make sure that both you and the child understand them. Special attention to directions will result in safer play and longer toy life

  • Avoid sex-labeling. Don't stop a boy from playing with dolls or a girl from playing with cars. Gender stereotypes are no longer relevant. If you give your child a new toy and see signs of an allergy, take the toy away. If the symptoms disappear, do not give the toy back to the child.